Description: A collection of useful little scripts for database analysis and administration, created by our team at PostgreSQL Experts.
Description: A collection of useful little scripts for database analysis and administration, created by our team at PostgreSQL Experts.
Description: Flexible freeze scripts for managing off-hours vacuuming and freezing of PostgreSQL databases.
Description: Command-line script to merge a table from one PostgreSQL database to another
Description: Find rows in a PostgreSQL table that have corrupted TOAST records.
Description: docker-compose based test environment for patroni
Description: Queries a PgBouncer admin database and publishes statistics to Ganglia using gmetric
Description: JsQuery – json query language with GIN indexing support
Description: development branch of redis_fdw for writable tables
Description: Basic script to benchmark pgbouncer vs direct connection
Description: Turn an explain plan into a table organized as a proximity tree
Description: Some examples to use with my Saltstack talk
Description: Automate memory bandwidth testing with STREAM using varying core counts
Description: Combined repository of OCF agents from the RHCS and Linux-HA projects
Description: A S3 based WAL-shipping disaster recovery and standby toolkit
Description: Fake public library database as an example database for teaching PostgreSQL.
Description: Tools used to benchmark various cache implementations vs going direct to a remote postgresql DB
Description: Repository for the postgrestesting project, which aims to make more of PostgreSQL automatically testable and tested.
Description: Copy files from a source directory to a destination directory and keep track of the last copied file's timestamp. Next run, only copy new files.
Description: Python script that takes a SQL pg_dump as input and outputs COPY commands containing the bad utf8 rows.
Description: Simpel shell script to add the pgdg APT repository to a host
Description: Perl scripts to find Oracleisms in your PostgreSQL log files
Description: A quick-n-easy random data generator to test PG installations